One of the handy extra features available for our range of 0800, 0845, 0844 and local phone numbers is Online Call Statistics.
This feature allows you to go online and look easily look up statistics for all of the 0800, 0845, 0844 and local numbers that you have with us.
You can use this feature to see lists of phone numbers that have called you, the time that they called you, how long the call was, how quickly the call was answered, if you missed any calls and if so how many, and more.
This feature is ideal for knowing if you have enough staff in place to answer calls, by seeing how long it takes you to answer calls and how many you are missing.
If you are based in different offices, have multi-branch companies or different franchises, then it is a great way to make sure that other people in your company are providing a high level of customer service.
Also, if you have multiple numbers, it is a great way to keep a close eye on which numbers are working for you and which aren’t. For example, if you use one 0800 number in one magazine advert, and a different one in a newspaper advert, and one number receives 100 calls and the other only 2, you know that one advert is worth continuing and the other one isn’t.
Click here to read more about our Online Call Statistics feature and our other great extra features.